Book Recommendation! The War of Art

Book Recommendation! The War of Art

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Do you read more than one book at a time? When I start a book, I have strong intentions of finishing it fast. However, that is rarely the way it goes. Especially if it’s a book that I need to take time on and really learn from. When that happens, I like to read with a notebook and write out things that I find interesting or noteworthy. I often find myself reading over my notes and going back to the book to re-read sections to really get it into my brain. It’s like I need another “fly-by” to seal it or remember it the way it needs to be.

When I find myself in a book that I need to really take my time to ingest, I often have another book I’m either reading on the go or listening to in the car or while working. I’ll talk about the book I’m listening to in a later post. But for today, I wanted to share about the book I’m digging into currently, called, “The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Creative Inner Battle” by Steven Pressfield. So far I am into the second chapter and I had to stop highlighting/underlining because I was highlighting/underlining whole pages at a time.

The main idea or topic of the book so far has been that there is an unlived life that we hold. It is unlived because of the things that we let get in the way of living that life. There are things that we never do because we let things… Resistance… stop us or get in the way. Good things, bad things, things we can and cannot control, excuses, details, fears, hurt, pain, battles and even victories… all kinds of things that end up being the “reasons” we don’t do something that would be good for us and/or those around us, if we did them. Finally working on this blog is something I have wanted to do for so long. And I would tell you that “Life” has made it difficult to do it. There have been legitimate reasons and circumstances that have taken a priority over taking the time to sit down and write. From the outside, anyone that looked into the details of my life would tell me that they understand why I haven’t been able to do it. And yet, all of those things are just levels of resistance that has stopped me from doing something that has been amazing for me to do. The resistance will always be there to poke it’s little head up and insert itself into the equation and threaten to stop us from progressing in the things in life that can make a difference. So we have to decide if that resistance is going to be an obstacle or a road block.

There are several things that I have decided I need to do that have had legitimate resistance in my life. I have decided that the resistance can only be an obstacle that may slow me down or cause me to rethink the steps I take but not stop me. I’ve heard people say that we make time for the things that are important to us and we make excuses to not do the things that are not. I’m not sure it that is entirely true. But what I do know is that there are too many people (myself included) that have allowed resistance to stop us from doing too many things.

This book has been very challenging for me and I am only a few chapters in. I would highly recommend it if you are looking for something to read. It has been incredibly impactful to me in my journey of doing my best to be who I was created to be. What are you reading that I should be read? I would love to hear any suggestions of books that have been instrumental to your growth. Please leave a comment or reach out to me and let me know! Thanks in advance!

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