Faith: Hidden in the Schematics

Faith: Hidden in the Schematics

Faith. It’s one of those things that you can live your life and not think much about until you need it. You may find yourself at a point in your life where you need to make the really big decisions or when things are scary and out of your hands, or out of your control. That is often when you begin to think about what else, who else is there for you. We recognize our limits and our own inadequacies. Often times, people begin to think about faith, faith in God, when they are faced with the loss of a loved one. The questions arise about what happens after we die. We begin to think about the way we have lived our lives and the impact we have left on this world. We ask ourselves if we have done all we are supposed to have done or have we lived up to our potential.

There is a song by singer/songwriter, Ben Rector called, “When A Heart Breaks.” The lyrics are all about the things that happen in our lives that are out of our control and circumstances become overwhelming. When life happens, the writer says, “This isn’t easy, this isn’t clear, and you don’t need Jesus until you’re here. The confusion and the doubt you had up and walk away when a heart breaks.” The idea is, that when life is good it is easy to handle the minor situations that arise and you don’t realize your need for a savior. You don’t feel like you need anything that you can take care of. But when the real stuff of life happens… you know you do. You call out to him, you pray… you utter words like “dear Jesus…” or “Lord, help.” There is no question because your unscripted response is to say his name. It’s like it is an innate automatic or default that is stored in our innermost hardwiring. It is an auto-reply without us even realizing it. Could it be that the God of the universe created us with the knowledge of Him and our need for him that seems to find its way to the surface when we are at a complete loss of where else to go or what to do? Could it be that our design schematics have given us the plans to find peace, make decisions, and look for answers that are enveloped so deep in us that we don’t even realize it?

If that is true… what does that say about who we are and how we are living our lives? What does it say about the decisions we make and the focus or direction of our lives? If we recognize that deep within us there is a “help” button that we smash in stressful times, wouldn’t that make you think that He, God, Jesus, the maker of the big floating ball of dirt we are cruising through space on, WANTS us to cry out to Him? Wouldn’t that lend itself to the idea that He desires interaction with us? And if that is true… what are you going to do about it? If you find yourself in a place with these kinds of big questions, don’t sit on them. Search out answers. If you have been searching for answers and don’t find them, please don’t hesitate to reach out. If I don’t know the answers, I can help point you in the right direction to get them. Even the idea that the maker of the universe wants to have a relationship with us is such an enormous concept. But there are answers to your questions if you look in the right places. Just don’t stop looking!

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