About Us

We are Johnny and Jamie Crank and we appreciate you spending time on this blog! It is odd to put your life and opinions through writing and pictures out there for the world to see. To think that anyone will pay attention to it is a whole different thing. We have 6 kids, 3 boys, and 3 girls, ranging from 10 to 19 years old. We live outside of Atlanta with our kids and dog, Ozzy, who is the real star of the show most of the time. This blog will document the real life of our house with anything from sports, dinner, movies, family time and conversations. From time to time, we will post reviews on products that have impacted out lives. We are Affiliate Marketers, so any link that you see on this blog may have affiliate links that we earn financial gains from. However, there will not be any products that are talked about that we don’t love and believe in.

Thank you again for stopping by our little piece of the map! We would love to hear from you so please do not be shy to reach out with ideas or stories. We look forward to hearing from you!

Johnny and Jamie