The Family That Meets Together: Vital Time That Unites

The Family That Meets Together: Vital Time That Unites

This weekend, we sat down with our kids and had a family meeting. It was the first time in a long time that we had all gathered in our living room with the purpose of all getting on the same page on some things that were happening over the summer. It was a great time together and was extremely successful… at least in theory. We will see how it all pans out later.

Our mission was to solidify some details that needed attention. The list included: 

  1. Summer fun plans – we purchased passes to a water park in our area. (We purposefully started with good news:-)
  2. House rules for electronics – We are determined that electronics will not be the theme of the summer.
  3. Family Prayer List – Inspired by the movie, “Unsung Hero”, We put a list on our chalkboard wall with prayer requests and answers to keep track and to be united in our prayers.
  4. Lastly, a list of chores that everyone will partake in to make sure our house stays in good shape despite all of the ‘coming and going’ that happens with time with friends, sports camps, youth group, youth camps, and pool time.

I don’t know why we haven’t made sure these meetings were not a part of our regular rhythms in the past. But I do know that we are resolved to make sure, moving forward, they are a part of our schedules. I put it on my calendar to make sure we do not forget to do it. Life gets busy. Stuff happens. But some things are so beneficial to us that we need to intentionally put into the normal patterns of our lives. For us, family meetings are one of those things. We laughed, talked, and planned together and in the process, deeply reconnected as a family. 

Family meetings may not solve all of our problems. But they sure do mitigate them. What kinds of things do you do in your family meetings? What do they look like? What are your thoughts on having them? I’m so interested in hearing everybody’s ideas. On your mark, get set, go…!

P.S. If you are interested in our chore chart, I am happy to send it, just reach out and let me know!

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3 responses to “The Family That Meets Together: Vital Time That Unites”

  1. Mom Avatar

    Sounds like a plan!!

  2. Stacy Avatar

    This is so great you guys!! Such a witness and testimony too that beautiful, connected families are here and possible, but not without intentionality and open communication. Love this. And what a witness you are as a dad Johnny! This is going to be a great blog. You and Jamie have so much wisdom to share😊

    1. Johnny Avatar

      Thanks so much Stacy! I really appreciate the feedback:) This has been so fun so far!

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